Top 17 Twitter Accounts for Business

For fellow business geeks, I’ve pulled together my personal top ten favorite Twitter accounts related to anything and everything business. Check them out, give them a follow, and read your heart out!

Forbes (@Forbes)

The Forbes Twitter account is indeed, yes, the popular business magazine and website that pumps out incredible, informative content daily. Following their Twitter is an easy way to check out articles as you scroll.

Business Insider (@businessinsider)

This Business Insider Twitter account is pertaining to the Business Insider that is based out of New York, and has many headlines and opinion articles pertaining to business primarily within the U.S. If the U.S. is your focus, this is a great account to keep up with.

The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ)

This account is associated with the paper and journal, the Wall Street Journal. Also pertaining to mostly American matters of business, politics, finances, and much more, this account is excellent to follow for a broad, in depth look at the inner workings of the American economy.

CNN International (@cnni)

Associated with CNN, this Twitter account not only covers the United States, but political, economic, financial topics on an international scope. Follow this account to stay up to date with the world.

Robin Sharma (@RobinSharma)

Author of the number one international bestseller, “The Leader Who Had No Title”, Robin Sharma is one of the world’s top leadership experts. If you’re looking for advice or know you need to develop or maintain crucial leadership skills, Robin Sharma is the man to follow. Check out his Twitter and website for more information about his talks, podcast, and books.

Shep Hyken (@Hyken)

Bestselling author Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert who gives talks and writes books on how to better your customer service. This account is one to follow if you’re interested in maintaining or developing excellent customer service within your company.

Harvard Business Review (@HarvardBiz)

Check out this Twitter for some excellent resources for business and management thinking as well as interesting articles brought to you by the Harvard Business Review itself.

InformationWeek (@InformationWeek)

This Twitter account is all about how businesses relate to and utilize technology. If your business is tech-centered or you are just looking to keep your business tech relevant, this is a good account to keep up with.

NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness)

This Twitter account is a great one to follow to keep up with general news of the business world. Brought to you by the New York Times, it’s primarily centered on business.

Don Tapscott (@dtapscott)

Bestselling author of “Paradigm Shift”, Don Tapscott is a world authority on the impact technology has on business. He is a co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute, where blockchain theory such as digital currency’s impact on business is studied. Follow this account to keep up with the ever changing ways technology shapes businesses.

Cynthia Than (@NinjaEconomics)

If you’re tired of weeding through articles that are overshared or irrelevant, follow @NinjaEconomics. She does a wonderful job of picking important stories to share, especially those that provide new takes on current events. She makes our job to wade through the white noise and find the good stuff a little bit easier.

The Muse (@TheMuse)

This account is a great one to follow to keep up with potential job openings, as well as articles regarding advice about the workplace. They’re always relevant and fun to read.

Susan McPherson (@susanmcp1)

The founder and CEO of the communications consultancy firm McPherson Strategies, Susan McPherson is a leader who advocates for businesses that also work for social good. She’s passionate about social justice and corporations’ roles within that. Follow for some great articles about social justice and news within the business world.

Adam Grant (@AdamMGrant)

Adam Grant is the co-author (with Sheryl Sandberg) of the bestselling book “Option B”, as well as sole author of “Give and Take” and “Originals. He has given TED talks on givers and takers and original thinkers. He is inspiring, and his Twitter feed contains articles regarding leadership, ambition, and psychology. Highly recommend.

She Negotiates (@SheNegotiates)

Primarily focused on women, She Negotiates is a consulting firm that coaches women on how to negotiate in the workplace. Women often feel they have difficulty doing this, so She Negotiates is there to help those women communicate. Their Twitter is full of good inspiring advice articles.

Richard Branson (@richardbranson)

Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin group, yet is also a philanthropist and investor. He has a blog, and his Twitter account is full of inspirational posts and articles covering news, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow for inspiration!

Steve Case (@SteveCase)

Steve Case, the co-founder of America Online, is an extremely successful entrepreneur and is passionate about building startups. His Twitter consists of articles regarding business, entrepreneurship, and of course promotion for his most recent book, “The Third Wave”.

There you have it. I know I most likely left out some crucial business Twitters, but these are the ones I consistently use as a resource for information and news regarding business. Check them out and give them a follow!